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Tokyo Kids Dance to Keep Away Swine Flu 
By Watan Chen, David Lee

Over 50 children at a Japanese kindergarten sing and wiggle their hips, while making soap foam to clean their hands. They’re celebrating the United Nations' World Hand-Washing Day on Thursday, October 15. The dance routine is meant to keep bugs away and prevent swine flu.

A United Nations-led program in Japan choreographed the dance routines to teach kids the proper way to wash their hands.

[Haruka Mimi, Kindergarten Student]: "It was really fun!"
[Haruka Mimi, 幼稚園學童]: “它真的很有趣!”

Many children were already aware of the H1N1 virus or the swine flu.

[Moemi Tenma, Kindergarten Student]: "I've been washing hands to protect myself from the flu!"
[Moemi Tenma, 幼稚園學童]: “我總是洗手來防護自己遠離流感”

Others simply enjoy the dance, saying they’ll do it everyday.

[Hidekazu Otsuka, Kindergarten Student]: "I'll never forget to wash my hands from now on!"
[Hidekazu Otsuka, 幼稚園學童]:“此現在起,我永遠不會忘記洗手!”

The foamy dance routines were designed to cover all hand parts, including the palms, fingers, nails and wrists. It aims to make young children more aware of the details.

[Ayako Uragami, Japan Committee UNICEF]:

"In general, we need at least 20 seconds to wash our hands thoroughly, which sounds like a long time for little children. We came up with this universal hand-washing dance so that children can have fun and be motivated to wash their hands instead of thinking it's boring and tiresome."

[Ayako Uragami, 聯合國兒童基金日本委員會]:

This class is fun, but H1N1 is actually quite serious, with the World Health Organization predicting the pandemic could potentially affect 2 billion people globally.

In Japan, kindergartens in five cities joined in the soapy dance routines. Various activities have been held across more than 80 countries for the UN World Hand-Washing Day.

1. swine flu(n)豬流感(新流感的早期稱呼)
2. kindergarten(n)幼稚園
3. wiggle(v)扭動
4. foam(v)使起泡沫
5. routine(n)一套固定舞步(或動作)
6. choreograph(v)為……編舞
7. come up with(v phr)(針對問題等)想出
8. pandemic(n)大流行病


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